Transforaminal Epidural Injections


  • Trigger points are painful taught, tender, “knots” within bands of muscles. Pressure can cause an aching or sharp pain sensation. Often, the pain from a trigger point can refer to other parts of the body.

  • Trigger pint injections are used to treat muscle pain, most commonly in the neck, arms, legs, and lower back.

  • Pain relief from these injections may result in better muscle function, less need for pain medications, and improved mobility.

  • Useful in physical therapy to loosen muscle groups and increase progress towards joint mobilization.


  • A local anesthetic is injected into the trigger point; however it is likely that the actual treatment is from the physical introduction of the needle itself into the active trigger point within the muscle.

  • The injection may relieve spasms of the muscle and may last from weeks to months.